We have heard reports of some companies charging landlords up to £175 for a Legionella Risk Assessment.
Sadly we are not flavour of the month with some companies as we are creating some unhappy landlords who have been charged up to £175 for their Legionella Risk Assessment.
However, we are happy to report that the majority of letting agents we have contacted have welcomed our service and have passed on our details to their landlords to ensure a quick solution to the problem of arranging many hundreds of reports. Many have opened an account with us to run the reports for their landlords.
We offer a rate of just £14.95 for a single property.
Using our simple step by step guide will ensure that you fully comply with the requirements and our system will generate a compliant report for you to pass to your tenant.
If you prefer to employ an independent accredited person you can find a local provider at These are our own members who will conduct the assessment for you at a fair price taking into account the lodgement fee, travel expenses and their time.
06 October 2015.
For the avoidence of any doubt the House of Commons have issued a new paper on the 1st October making the requirements crystal clear.
Be in no doubt, You must undertake this simple assessment. Our system helps you comply for just £14.95.
User Reviews
12.01.2018 Emma |
Great to know we are able to get a certificate for a test we are able to do ourselves without it costing a fortune. Excellent price and will be returning annually once the assessment has been completed. |